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The Ramsay Way Winter 2013

Rotary Club of Berrima District Ramsay Health Care & Rotary Club of Berrima District Medical Equipment Donation Program Making a difference globally RHCRotary MEDonation 4ppDL 0313.indd 1 29/04/13 11:56 AM WINTER 2013 TRW 9 Nowra Team complete Peru Cataract Mission The third mission of the Ramsay Australian Alpaca Association Team (RAAAT) left for Peru in April 2013, traveling to the Peruvian Andes to conduct cataract surgery on the needy Quechuan Indians of the Colca Valley. The small team of medical and nursing personnel, representing variously Nowra Private Hospital, the Ramsay group of hospitals and the Australian Alpaca Association as well as the Shoalhaven medical community were inspired by the fact that this ancient race, the traditional custodians of alpacas, were suffering from untreated blindness due to cataracts caused by the high ultraviolet light exposure experienced at such high altitude. Following the success of their first trip in 2010, a team of 12 mostly from the Shoalhaven medical and nursing community have donated their time to this worthy cause supported by the generosity of Ramsay Health Care which donates approximately $20,000 towards each mission. Many of the team are from Nowra Private Hospital and now, in addition to cataract surgery, and thanks to additional support from the South Nowra Rotary Club, they are also providing paediatric services and dispensing spectacles. Follow their adventure and progress, or donate to the cause on their blog at Pindara scoops innovation prize pool Pindara Private Hospital’s Staff Development Manager, Ian McGregor, scooped the prize pool at the recent Private Hospitals Association Queensland (PHAQ) 10th Innovative Practice in the Private Sector Conference & Awards, with his innovation “Pindcast” which won both the Non-Clinical Innovations Category and Overall Winner awards. Pindcast is an interactive educational series of videos designed to educate and train staff, on a broad range of topics, and the brain child of Ian McGregor who presented his innovation at the conference. Ian describes Pindcast as education at your fingertips, giving staff the opportunity to access education when and where they like via a link on the Pindara intranet. Staff view the Pindcast videos, within the hospital, on any computer, at any time. Ian’s approach to educating staff is as engaging as it is educational. Ian said he involved his education team in developing the content while he presented, filmed, edited and produced the final cut videos. He said he also featured other staff, department managers and volunteers in an effort to make the content more meaningful to staff from various departments across the hospital. The videos are proving popular with staff who say the content is relevant and informative and sometimes even “downright funny”. Ian and his team have big plans to build on the Pindcast library of sessions. New videos are often added or being updated regularly. OUR COMMUNITY Medical Equipment Donations Program Ramsay Health Care’s Corporate Social Responsibility program is again making a difference through its partnership with Rotary Berrima with a third consignment of donated medical equipment and supplies heading to Fiji next week. The partnership came out of Ramsay and Rotary Berrima’s desire to establish a mechanism for the responsible donation of unwanted hospital and medical equipment and supplies. This latest consignment included anaesthetic machines from St George and X-ray machine and day surgery instruments from Cairns. A brochure promoting the program has recently been developed and includes a list of equipment that may be suitable for donation. Baringa raises money for charity Baringa Private Hospital staff have got behind a series of different and fun fundraising events this year raising a total of $4000 for charity so far. With book fairs, jumble sales, fun runs and walks, the team at Baringa Private has supported a variety of community-based and national charities. Well done Baringa! Psychs on Bikes Rev’ Off Lee Variety Bashes for Charity Commercial Manager Lee Sexton and her husband participated in the 2013 Newcastle Variety Bash this year raising $18,000 for charity. Generous sponsors included Ramsay Health Care and its facilities: Warners Bay, Lake Macquarie, Albury Wodonga and Armidale Private Hospitals. Lee is pictured here with staff at Armidale Private Hospital and her Car 1800. Lee Sexton with staff at Armidale Private Hospital The second annual Psychs on Bikes tour took off from Ramsay’s Northside Cremorne Clinic Friday 12 April after being officially farewelled by Lifeline national patron John Brogden and NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner. With $20,000 in support from Ramsay Health Care, the Psychs on Bikes tour visited 11 towns in 9 days and at each stop held public meetings to talk about depression and suicide as well as holding sessions for local health professionals. Overall winner of the 2013 Innovative Practice in the Private Sector Awards, Ian McGregor of Pindara The group of 20 psychiatrists and other mental health professionals, led by Ramsay Northside Group psychiatrist Dr Joseph Dunn, swapped their suits for motorbike leathers and in doing so took the mental health message of “Live Another Day” to rural New South Wales. “Isolation is a huge problem in these areas as well as a paucity of mental health services. We enjoyed visiting these locations and tapping into the mental health networks there,” Dr Dunn said.

The Ramsay Way Winter 2013
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