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The Ramsay Way - 2016 Christmas Edition

The Ramsay Way 2016 | 04 3 HOSPITAL NEWS Speak up for patient safety Ramsay Australia has committed to addressing behaviour by doctors or staff that would undermine a culture of safety and quality and, to this end, is piloting the Vanderbilt Promoting Professional Accountability Programme in two states. Branded in Ramsay Australia as the “Speak Up for Patient Safety” Programme, the pilot has commenced in all facilities in Western Australia (Joondalup, Hollywood, Glengarry, Peel and Attadale) and in Greenslopes Private Hospital in Queensland and is being rolled out in conjunction with the Cognitive Institute. The programme is supported by a significant body of evidence from the USA which demonstrates positive outcomes for organisations through addressing behaviours which undermine a culture of safety and reliability. The aims of Ramsay’s Speaking up for Patient Safety programme are to: • To apply accountability in behaviour and performance across the organisation • To drive a culture of ‘speaking up’ across the business • To improve patient outcomes through accountable delivery of reliable and safe healthcare. Leading the programme rollout is Ramsay Australia's Chief Risk Officer Chanelle McEnallay with the support of the Ramsay Training Institute. 1800 staff have now been trained in how to speak up for patient safety right across Ramsay’s Perth facilities. “All patient facing staff in procedural or ward areas are being trained in graded assertiveness communication which provides them the tools by which they can challenge behaviour that may harm a patient in the moment it occurs,” said Chanelle. “The second component is a professional accountability programme reporting platform where anyone can lodge a report of unsafe behaviour confidentially.” She said all pilot programmes were progressing well with all training and readiness activities being received with enthusiasm at the pilot facilities. Ramsay Australia CEO Danny Sims said Ramsay Health Care was committed to ensuring the safest outcomes for patients and, along with its recent commitment to the Royal Australian College of Surgeons Building Respect and Improving Patient Safety programme, the organisation was demonstrating a leadership approach in this area. “This is an excellent programme that addresses in a positive way any behaviours which undermine a culture of safety through peer-to- peer conversations and equipping staff with the assertiveness training. We fully support its rollout and are very encouraged by the enthusiasm which has been shown by the doctors and staff participating in the programme so far. We are coming to the end of another busy year for Ramsay Health Care. All the regions in which we operate are experiencing increasing demand and we continue to invest in our facilities and our technology to ensure we can meet the growing needs of the communities we serve. Most importantly, Ramsay Health Care remains focused on providing the best and safest care to the three million patients who are admitted to our hospitals each year and a safe working environment for staff. I am very pleased to report that our strong commitment to clinical governance and occupational health and safety, underpinned by a rigorous risk management system ensured that during the year we achieved some outstanding results in the areas of patient care and staff safety – right across the world. Activity in our Ramsay Australian business and demand for the services we offer, remains strong and we end 2016 in a good position and better able to serve our patients, after investing over $300m in capacity expansions which saw the opening of 500 more beds and 26 more operating theatres across our hospital portfolio. Ramsay Health Care also commenced our pharmacy strategy in Australia this year and I welcome the pharmacy team to our business. We look forward to building on our experience in the provision of hospital pharmacy services with a retail pharmacy chain in communities near our hospitals, which will enable us to care for our patients beyond the hospital walls. On behalf of the Board and management of Ramsay Health Care, I want to thank all our staff and doctors who work in our facilities throughout the country, for your dedication and commitment to our Company, your hospital and the patients you care for, throughout the year. Merry Christmas to you and your family and I hope the festive season is a safe and joyous one. Kind regards Chris Rex CEO - Ramsay Health Care Ramsay launches videos to raise mental health awareness Ramsay Health Care launched a series of patient journey videos, as well as interviews with some of the country’s leading psychiatrists, to raise awareness of mental health issues during Mental Health Week in October. The videos were developed to assist people suffering with mental health issues as well as their carers. The patient journey videos target issues such as eating disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, alcohol dependency and schizophrenia. The interviews are with specialists in their field and discuss symptoms and treatments for a range of mental health illnesses. Approximately 20% of Australian experience symptoms of mental illness each year, with many more not getting a formal diagnosis. Furthermore, people experiencing mental illness often delay seeking help, because of the unknown future, fear of stigma and discrimination. Ramsay Health Care, the largest private mental health provider in Australia with over 25 clinics located across the country and admits over 70,000 Australians each year into its Clinic programs which are designed to assist people return to a fulfilled life. The videos are located on the Ramsay Health Care website and will be launched on social media channels this week. MENTAL HEALTH FACTS • Australia’s suicide rate; at a 10-year high, is now 12.6 per 100,000 people, up from 10.4 in 2006. • Men are more than twice as likely as women to have substance abuse disorders. • Up to 90% of eating disorders occur in women, and it afflicts 9% of the population. • One in six young Australians is currently experiencing an anxiety condition. If you need help, or know someone that does, contact your local General Practitioner for professional medical advice.

The Ramsay Way - 2016 Christmas Edition
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