Dec 07, 2021
My name is Hannah and I’ve worked at Mitcham Private Hospital for 8 years!
Describe your job without using a position title?
Coordinating the graduate program throughout Victoria and providing education opportunities to staff, graduates and students within my hospital.
What motivates you and why?
Watching staff develop their clinical skills and gain confidence in their practice. I am particularly motivated by providing support to graduates and watching our junior workforce succeed in reaching their professional goals.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
There are many areas within nursing and midwifery that we are able to specialise in during our careers. After years of study and experience, health care workers continue to learn each and every day. My wish would be that there was enough time to study each specialty within my career and expand my knowledge to its limits.
What does the Year of Health and Care Workers mean to you?
These past two years have been the most challenging of my career, and unless you are a healthcare worker weathering the pandemic and managing day to day challenges it is hard to understand the sacrifice, dedication and hard work that healthcare workers have committed to their profession. To me the Year of Health and Care Workers means an acknowledgement of this sacrifice, and a thank you for all the hard work healthcare workers have dedicated to ensuring their teams are supported, and their patients always receive the care that they deserve when they need it most.
What would you say to inspire future generations of workers in health care?
Take every opportunity to upskill and extend your knowledge. Your leadership team and educators believe in you. You are the future leaders of health care. Don’t let anything stop you from achieving your career goals. You have control over the impact you have on health care and your community.