
Victoria, Joanne Ellery


Feb 16, 2021


My name is Joanne and I’ve worked at Ramsay Pharmacy Wangaratta for 2 years.

Describe your job without using a position title?

I look after the healthcare needs of the local community, as well as try to provide an enjoyable and rewarding workplace for my staff.

What motivates you and why?

I enjoy making a difference in my customers lives. Even if it only appears to be a small thing to the outsider looking in, it can have a big impact on the quality of someone’s life.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

I would learn more about mindfulness and how to practice it in everyday life.

What does the Year of Health and Care Workers mean to you?

I think it’s recognition for the amazing job that health care workers do, especially in current times. The sacrifices that they have made around the world to keep us all safe is truly inspiring.

What would you say to inspire future generations of workers in health care?

Whilst it can at times be a very full-on career, it can be an incredibly rewarding one. You can go home at night feeling like you made a real difference.