Jul 27, 2021
My name is Christy and I’ve worked at Hollywood Private Hospital for 1.5 years.
Describe your job without using a position title?
I assist with the medical aspects of running the hospital. It is a varied and enjoyable role that enables me to interact with clinicians at all levels and have input into wider systems and service delivery to ensure fantastic care for our patients.
What motivates you and why?
I’m motivated by my wonderful colleagues and the team that I work with on a daily basis. Our team is truly a fantastic one with a diverse skill mix and we manage to maintain an element of fun and humour while dealing with challenging situations.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Fly – it would make it much easier and more fun to visit family on the East Coast if this was an option!
What does the Year of Health and Care Workers mean to you?
I think it is an important opportunity to acknowledge the wide variety of roles that exist in healthcare and the incredibly valuable service that we offer as a collective team. The last 18 months showcases the dedication and care that health care workers demonstrate and the ability of our workforce to learn and adapt to rapidly changing environments. It is a time to reflect on and acknowledge the wonderful job that health care workers do.
What would you say to inspire future generations of workers in health care?
Health care offers a meaningful and valuable career with endless options, including opportunities outside the more traditional pathways. Reach out and talk to people in the profession - there are some amazing people enjoying some fantastic careers that you might not even be aware exist!