Glengarry Private Hospital
Dr Duane Anderson is a Specialist Pain Medicine Physician who practices at Glengarry Private Hospital fortnightly on Fridays. He consults from rooms at Carine Specialist Centre and Subiaco, and he is available to see new patients at both locations. Originally from New Zealand, Dr Anderson is very approachable and welcomes conversations with medical colleagues at any time. He can be contacted via his rooms.
Suite 311
25 McCourt Street
Subiaco, WA, 6008
08 6185 3068
08 7134 4438 Healthlink: dapaindr
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Background and Training
Dr Anderson is an experienced pain medicine specialist who will treat you and your pain condition in an ethical and compassionate way. He has a broad skillset of interventional pain procedures and employs a rational approach to achieve the best outcomes for his patients. His procedural expertise is on a background of specialist anaesthesia practice (Auckland, Perth) of 16 years including specialising in anaesthesia for complex spinal surgery where he directly observed the spine and surgical techniques on a regular basis.
Dr Anderson achieved his pain specialty fellowship in Western Australia in 2018 and shortly after was the Head of the Pain Management Unit at Fiona Stanley Hospital which has strong links with the State Rehabilitation Service as such he is leader in interdisciplinary collaboration with other specialties involved in the treatment of patients experiencing pain and in delivering the best tailored care
Other information at a glance
• Healthlink EDI: dapaindr
• No gap provider
• Private pain specialist with consulting rooms at Carine and Subiaco
• Treats privately insured patients at Glengarry Private Hospital
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