Kareena Private Hospital
Dr Knight has practiced in the area of reproductive medicine for more than two decades. He is a qualified Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with an interest in reproductive Endocrinology. His innovative in his approach and implements procedures and processes to maximise patient outcomes while minimising other costs.
Kareena Private Hospital , 86 Kareena Road
1300 899 850
612 9822 7919
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Dr Knight has practiced in the area of reproductive medicine for more than two decades. He is a qualified Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with an interst in reproductive endocronology. He is innovative in his approach and implements procedures and processes to maximise patient outcomes while minimising other costs. He is well renowned and respected in his field, having been published in international journals and frequently being called upon by media for interviews and comment on relevant issues.
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