Research Governance applications will be reviewed by both the National Research Unit and the relevant Facility Executive (e.g. CEO, Director of Clinical Services). Where required, an application may also be sent to the Facility’s Medical Advisory Committee or other relevant specialist clinical group/individual for more detailed review.
To commence a Research Governance review, please log into the REGGS Portal and complete the Project Registration. This will establish whether governance approval and/or ethics approval will be required for your proposed study. It will also link all Ramsay Sites where you will be conducting your research.
To facilitate timely review, Ramsay Governance will review applications for research pending finalisation of other documents (such as a CTRA or CTN) as these changes are unlikely to impact on the Research Governance, which focuses on the impact of the research on the facility resources and any considerations for patient safety. However please note that applications will not be approved until HREC approval and any updated documentation are provided.
You can download a Governance Checklist of required documentation to be submitted as part of your application.
When preparing your Site- specific PISCFs: Please note that an internal Ramsay person who is not directly involved in the research must be listed as a contact for complaints on the PISCF (e.g. Facility Director of Clinical Services or member of the National Research Unit).
Please note that any Research Governance approval from Ramsay Health Care is subject to certain conditions, such as having a valid HREC approval for the study and maintaining all relevant insurances required for the research activity. These conditions will be outlined in your notification of approval.
Please contact the National Research Unit should you have any questions related to pending documentation.